NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.
NOTE: All Tartella ships can land and take off from a planet using all landing systems.

   The Tartellans are an amphibious race. Short and heavy, with powerful legs and arms and an armored exoskeleton, the Tartellans are a feared opponent. Before being conquered by the Tholians, the Tartellans had built up a large fleet and controlled a large region of space. War with the Tholians cost them their home world, but their large colonial holdings were never conquered (or discovered) and the Tartellans used them to keep themselves independent. After a number of years, the Tartellans contacted the Wicasa, creating an alliance against the Tholians. They eventually overcame the Tholians, only to be dominated by their Seltorian allies, with the help of the Symbiote. When the Selts sent half their fleet in search of Tholians, the Alliance struck, destroying the Symbiote fleet and defeated the remaining Selts.

The Tartellan government is a constitutional monarchy, with a King, or Queen as head of state, but with elected officials creating laws.

Tartellan ships are well-balanced. With their heavy disruptors, the Tartellan ships could either close and pound their way through an opponents shields or stand off and fight at range. Tartellan ships do not use phasers but instead use heavy and light blasters along with heavy disruptors. The blasters use the same rules as phasers, but have a different chart (they fire as bolts as opposed to beams). The Tartellans are known for their highly trained commandos, each ship having multiple squads (shown as C on the SSD). Each Tartellan ship had an elite T.M.N.T. (the translation being incomprehensible to most races) commando squad assigned to it, treat it as a prime team (if using prime teams, one commando squad on each ship is a prime team). In fact, Tartellan commandos were highly sought after by most of the alliance members.

(TH301) HEAVY CRUISER (CA) This was the largest ship operated by the Tartellans. An old ship design, it originally was built with a pair of large shuttle bays. After the defeat by the Tholians, 6 shuttles were replaced by T-1 fighters (the 6 admin shuttles or fighters are not included in the BPV of the ship). This ship has 4 commando squads (one of which is a prime team) included in its BPV.

(TH302) LIGHT CRUISER (CL) This was the companion ship to the CA. An older ship design, it too (as were all Tartellan ships) originally was built with a pair of large shuttle bays. After the defeat by the Tholians, 6 shuttles were replaced by T-1 fighters (the 6 admin shuttles or fighters are not included in the BPV of the ship). This ship has 4 commando squads (one of which is a prime team) included in its BPV.

(TH303) DESTROYER (DD) This was a more commonly seen Wicasa ship. It at first operated 6 admin shuttles until the introduction of the T-1 which replaced 4 Admins (these 4 shuttles or fighters are not included in the ships BPV). This ship has 2 commando squads (one of which is a prime team) included in its BPV.

(TH304) FRIGATE (FF) This was the most commonly seen Tartellan ship. Like the DD, It at first operated 6 admin shuttles until the introduction of the T-1, which replaced 4 Admins (these 4 shuttles or fighters are not included in the ships BPV). This ship has 2 commando squads (one of which is a prime team) included in its BPV.

(TH305) HEAVY SCOUT (HSC) A variant of the CL, it was introduced to provide electronic support to the fleet. It carries 6 T-1 fighters (not included in the BPV). This ship has 4 commando squads (one of which is a prime team) included in its BPV.

(TH306) SCOUT (SC) A variant of the DD, it was introduced to provide electronic support to the fleet. More common than the HSC, it carries 4 T-1 fighters (not included in the BPV). This ship has 2 commando squads (one of which is a prime team) included in its BPV.

(TH307) COMMANDO FRIGATE (CFF) A variant of the FF, this ship was used to raid Tholian planets. Often operating alone, the CFF would transport troops to and was used to raid planets and capture Tholian freighters. The CFF operated GAS shuttles in place of its fighters. This ship has 6 commando squads (two of which are prime teams) included in its BPV.

(TH308) SURVEY CRUISER (GSC) A variant of the CL, it was introduced to seek out planets for bases of operation in the war against the Tholians. It carries 2 T-1 fighters (not included in the BPV). This ship has 3 commando squads (one of which is a prime team) included in its BPV.

TH3F1 FIGHTER (T-1) This is the fighter used all Tartellans ships. It is armed with 2 BLL and 1 heavy disruptor (which has 2 charges). Fighter disruptor charge cost 2 point to arm and each freezer on a ship can hold 2 charges. It is limited to a range of 12 hexes. The W-1 fighter has a DFR of 1 and a maximum speed of 16. It can hold 2 fighter pods (not Phaser or drone related). BPV of this fighter is 9.

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